Andrew Pease
Andrew Pease serves as Associate Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Music at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY, where he leads the Wind Ensemble and Brass Ensemble. He is also co-conductor of the Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble, a community band also based in Oneonta. His guest conducting work has taken him to several states and the UK, and he has presented nationally and internationally on topics in the wind band field. He has degrees from Dartmouth College, Columbia University Teachers College, and Hofstra University. He completed doctoral studies in wind conducting at Arizona State University, studying with Gary Hill. His work there earned him the 2017 American Prize in Collegiate Wind Band Conducting. He started his career in New York City, where he was music director of the Columbia University Wind Ensemble and the community band Columbia Summer Winds. Throughout his varied career, he has directed players of all ages and ability levels, from elementary beginning band to adult amateurs to professional ensembles. He runs two websites dedicated to wind bands. Wind Band Literature ( is a repertoire resource for bands around the world. The Wind Band Symphony Archive ( is a dynamic archive of symphonies for wind band.
콘서트 앙상블에서 즉흥 연주를 통해 더 깊은 음악성을 키우기
모든 규모와 스타일의 앙상블에서 즉흥 연주를 활용하면 보다 공평한 참여와 결과를 이끌어낼 수 있습니다. 이 세션에서는 학생들의 창의력을 높이고, 청음 능력을 향상시키며, 레퍼토리 선택의 폭을 넓히고, 모든 수준의 학생들이 참여할 수 있도록 하면서 앙상블의 새로운 경험을 촉진할 수 있는 즉흥 연주 전략을 탐구합니다. 이 세션에서 다루는 주제는 귀로 연주하기, 자유 즉흥 연주, 앙상블 게임, "즉흥 합주(comprovisation)", 자유 선곡 레퍼토리 등 모든 밴드 환경에 적용할 수 있는 교수법과 연주법입니다.