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Trae Blanco


Dr. Trae Blanco serves as Director of Bands at Butler University where he conducts the Wind Ensemble, teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting, and administers the band area. After completing his BME at New Mexico State University (NMSU), Dr. Blanco has served as Director of Bands at Las Cruces High School. Dr. Blanco holds a DMA in wind conducting from the Herberger Institute at Arizona State University, and a MM in Wind Conducting from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. Prior to coming to Butler, Dr. Blanco served as Director of Bands at Murray State, and the University of Southern Maine. In July 2015, Dr. Blanco was a guest conductor with the United States Army "Pershing's Own" Concert Band in Washington, D.C. and in both 2015 and 2016 Dr. Blanco was a finalist in the American Prize in Wind Conducting. Dr. Blanco has published articles with the NBA and WASBE journals, and has been an invited presenter at the state conventions of West Virginia, Maine, The Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, and the 2019 WASBE International Convention in Buñol, Spain.

그들의 “소리”를 시각적으로 드러내는 방법: 해석과정에서 놓칠 수 있는 아티큘레이션(articulation)을 신체 제스처에 반영하는 2단계 과정.

21세기에 접어들면서 음악 교육계는 명확한 의사소통을 리허설에 더욱 효과적으로 도입하고 전반적인 신체 제스처를 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색하고 있습니다. 이번 클리닉에서는 아티큘레이션(articulation)의 개념을 지휘 제스처와 조화시키는 다양한 방법을 제시하고, 검증된 교수법을 적용하는 리허설 전략을 소개할 것입니다. 지휘자로서, 우리의 말과 시각적 표현은 중요한 의미를 지닙니다. 여러분의 지휘봉을 통해 이러한 두 가지 세계를 조화시키는 교수법을 탐구해 보세요!

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